Russian Travel Digest 

Natalia Klimenok
Baginet LLC


"Do your duty, come what may"

Leo Tolstoy


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booth Russian Travel Digest 

Contact details

Address: 115598, Moscow, Zagorievskaya St., 10/4, basement level, entrance 1, build. 1-4, office 5
Phone: +7 (964) 770-04-40

Useful links

Russian Travel Digest is the only professional source of news about modern Russian travel market. It is unique weekly e-bulletin about Russian tourism and travel trade news, analysis, market data and company information, visited by professionals from 34 countries, which has 6 000 subscribers: representatives of DMC’s, hotels and hotel chains, air companies and national tourism offices. Most of materials are translated from Russian into English from professional and general newspapers, magazines and electronic media. Additionally, it gives detailed information about different tourism organizations on Russian travel market. Upon subscription, registration required.